How can sports improve academic performance?

Club Membership

Steve Strother

Last Update hace 2 años

Blue Lightning Track Club - How Sports Improves Academic Performance - Craig Johnson, Owner, Kumon Learning Center of Conyers from Strother Marketing Media, LLC on Vimeo.

Center Decades of studies show the link between sports and improved academic performance, self-esteem, and confidence ). Physically active people remain healthier and are able to perform better on tests of cerebral or intellectual ability.

A study of 317 middle school students by James Pivarnik and colleagues at the American College of Sports Medicine discovered that the fittest kids scored nearly 30 percent higher on standardized tests than the least-fit group.

Los Angeles Unified School District conducted a study on 35,000 student-athletes which showed that students average 21 more days of school attendance per year than their counterparts, while they also achieved GPAs some 0.55 to 0.74 points higher than non-athletes.

“What was proven is that students in our schools who participate in athletics attend school significantly more often, have higher GPA’s and score higher on the CST’s in both English and Math when compared to the rest of the student body,” according to a memo sent to Los Angeles Unified School District schools from Barbara Fiege, the commissioner of athletics.

An integral success factor of students who scored higher was attributed to the intervention and guidance provided daily by qualified coaches, who understand the relationship between academic and athletic success.

Some of the major benefits and life skills of students participating in the Blue Lightning Track Club include –

a learned practice work ethic applied to academics and other areas of responsibility.

  • improved self-esteem and confidence
  • leadership skills
  • motivation, improved goal setting, and developing perseverance
  • learning how to team and collaborate other others
  • a positive outlook on what is an achievable
  • learning how to persist and bounce back from obstacles

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